Saint Ben's and Saint John's are moving all classes to remote learning on Tuesday, March 26. 今天没有面对面的课程. 链接总线今天不会运行. Staff designated to provide essential services should report as scheduled. 能够远程工作的员工应该这样做.


Students present Innovation Scholars experiential research project findings

学者 学生的特点



Four students representing the 足球欧洲杯开户 and 欧洲杯开户平台 recently concluded their work in the Innovation Scholars Program. The team presented their project recommendations to Epiblock, an early-stage medical company affiliated with Medical Alley. Epiblock makes the first orally-inserted medical device to help stop nosebleeds.

CSB senior global business leadership major and global health minor Isabelle Mrozek (Rice, 明尼苏达州), SJU senior global business leadership major and communication/marketing minor Joshua Oathoudt (Faribault, 明尼苏达州), SJU高级生物化学/医学预科专业. 安东尼, 明尼苏达州) and SJU senior biochemistry major Dylan Paulson (Baxter, 明尼苏达队在2月6日代表球队参加了比赛. 27岁在明尼阿波利斯.

在科学的交叉点工作, 医疗保健和创业, the multidisciplinary team of four CSB and SJU students spent four months tackling a challenging tech transfer project focused on a novel medical device that restricts blood flow to the nasal cavity and surrounding area, thereby offering a new approach to stopping nosebleeds.

The team was led by Augsburg University MBA student Megan Fine. 他们完成了广泛的研究, 发展的建议, prepared their final report and polished their final presentation for Epiblock company leaders.  

Innovation Scholars is a nationally recognized experiential learning program that engages teams of liberal arts students in the complex processes of translational medicine, 把一个想法“从长凳带到床边”.” Project partners include Mayo Clinic and early-stage Medical Alley companies. 


CSB和SJU的教员Clark Cotton, associate professor of biology; Lauri Miller, visiting assistant professor of accounting and finance; and Jennifer Schaefer, 生物学教授兼系主任, 担任项目导师. Lindsey Gunnerson Gutsch, director of undergraduate research and scholars at CSB and SJU, 提供行政支持.

“I think it’s a fantastic experience for our students that really showcases the utility of a liberal arts education,棉花说. “The program brings together students from diverse academic backgrounds (biochemistry and global business) to tackle a problem, 比如如何将一种新的医疗设备推向市场. This entails true collaboration on the part of students to develop a successful plan that draws on multiple ways of thinking, 不仅包括科学方面,也包括商业方面, 还有伦理和社会方面的考虑. The final presentation not only hones students’ communication skills, 写作和口语, but also really opens students’ eyes to myriad career options in biotechnology and health care.”

“每年, the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholars is thrilled to be able to support an Innovation Scholars team because this experience matches our mission of providing a high-impact research experience that not only helps them expand their knowledge and skillset, but also allows them to see how their research connects to other experiences in their lives and the lives of others,Gunnerson Gutsch说. “This research process captures the essence of liberal arts and sciences institutions like CSB and SJU, it demonstrates the power of interdisciplinary thinking and application that sets our students up for future career success.”


Four students representing the 足球欧洲杯开户 and 欧洲杯开户平台 recently concluded their work in the Innovation Scholars Program. The team was led by Augsburg University MBA student Megan Fine. 


伊莎贝尔Mrozek: “This has given me the confidence to pursue my goal of working in healthcare. I have learned about all the different moving parts that go into a startup company as well as just more of how to go about medical technology and the steps it takes to implement it into a system. I feel also as a business student expanding on my current education and applying what I learned in class but more interestingly learning about biology and how that plays a role by getting the perspectives of others that have studied something completely different than me.”

约书亚Oathoudt: “Working on this project has been a valuable learning experience. It has taught me to embrace the perspective of a business owner, emphasizing the importance of thorough research and competitive analysis to achieve the strongest outcomes for both me and our team. Understanding the goals of decision-making from a leader’s standpoint has strengthened my approach to problem-solving and strategy development. 继续, collaborating with a diverse team with different educational backgrounds has influenced a new approach to driving success.”

雅各布·帕: “This program made me consider a career in a medical device company. 我打算今年春天申请医学院, but it made me consider how I could possibly utilize my medical knowledge to aid in the creation of new medical devices. I learned an incredible amount of information from my time working on this project. 具体地说, 我了解了专利法, 医疗器械分类, 如何创建临床试验, how to construct marketing strategies and finally I learned how to work collaboratively within a cross disciplinary team.”

迪伦保尔森: “I am interested in medical device sales and to have the opportunity to help bring one to the market has given me the experience to excel in my intended career. 团队合作是成功的关键. 没有他们我做不到.”